<![CDATA[stephenbanda.com - News and Pictures]]>Thu, 16 May 2024 22:01:30 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[Distributing Food in Flood Refugee Camps in Malawi]]>Sun, 14 Apr 2019 22:43:48 GMThttp://stephenbanda.com/news-and-pictures/distributing-food-in-flood-refugee-camps-in-malawiAfter devastating tropical flooding in Malawi, over 80,000 were relocated to makeshift camps. Pastor Stephen and his team have been visiting camps, holding services and encouraging those who are left homeless.
Here, they distribute food in the camps. Much more is needed. Please consider giving.
<![CDATA[Services at a Refugee Camp in Malawi]]>Sun, 14 Apr 2019 22:30:09 GMThttp://stephenbanda.com/news-and-pictures/services-at-a-refugee-camp-in-malawiAlthough they face devastating floods and an uncertain future, these women and children trust in God to keep them each day. In the makeshift church, they gather to remember and give thanks to the one Lord.
<![CDATA[Crossing a Flooded River in Malawi]]>Sun, 14 Apr 2019 22:25:24 GMThttp://stephenbanda.com/news-and-pictures/crossing-a-flooded-river-in-malawi
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Flooding continues after the devastating spring storms in Malawi. This clip shows the extent of flooding as water has nearly submerged a bridge.
<![CDATA[Christian Men's Conference in Malawi, Africa]]>Sun, 24 Sep 2017 22:57:37 GMThttp://stephenbanda.com/news-and-pictures/christian-mens-conference-in-malawi-africaThis is at our men's conference the Lord moved upon us in great way.

<![CDATA[Church Services in Malawi and Mozambique, Africa]]>Sun, 24 Sep 2017 22:53:58 GMThttp://stephenbanda.com/news-and-pictures/church-services-in-malawi-and-mozambique-africaAm so glad to share these pictures with you of our recent meetings sunday we went near the border with Mozambique the Lord did a great work there at the village over 37 people gave their hearts to Jesus for the first time keep them in prayer it was out door meeting as you can see  the road is very bad to get to the. Village so we did hire the motor bike as you can see there am standing with the owner  of the motor Bike I had to leave the car the other side of the village on the main road.

You will see the youth singing  and the people that came to attend the service at the village they don't have many things there very poor but they are rich in Jesus Amen my heart goes out to the people like this but thank the Lord we can share Jesus with them thanks for your love and prayers for us here we do appreciate you so much

The people came and sat down on Matts as you can see the on the pictures hungry to hear the word of the zLord I did preach on Phil. 4 v 4 and on and on  why Christians are happy people on earth one reason Jesus has forgiven our  sins and. We have hope in this life and we have the peace of God in our hearts etc etc

Am glad to share Jesus and make Him known to others there are so much land to be possessed  many still need our Savior we need your prayers and to stand with us as we proclaim the Gospel of Love and salvation thru Jesus Christ our Lord.

Pastor Stephen.
Malawi, Africa.
<![CDATA[Christian Women's Conference in Malawi, Africa]]>Sun, 24 Sep 2017 22:50:34 GMThttp://stephenbanda.com/news-and-pictures/september-24th-2017Am glad to share these pictures with you from the recent women's national conference that took place lT one of the.  Churches the place was so small they could not get inside the church hall so they had   Outside the church sat down on mats  the Lord bless this conference and the I was asked to preach at the end of the conference I did speak on the role of women and the ministry of women in Bible days and today the Lord is still calling women to the work of the  ministry and I did tell women and all that gathered there that according to the New Testament.
The first person at the cross where Jesus was crucified  was a women
The  first person at the tomb of   Jesus was a women
The  first person t proclaim that Jesus rose from the dead was a woman
Among those who attended the first prayer meeting in the book of Acts  were women.
The first person to share the gospel with the Jews was a woman .
The first person to greet Paul and Silas was a women.
The first person in Europe to be converted  to believe the gospel was a women
Among those who received the Holy Spirit at e upper room were women

Women do wear their color during these meetings a white blouse  and a blue skirt as you can see on the pictures and another group of women were singing it was a great time as you can see.to God be all the glory.

I can go on and on the Lord has used women to go to many nations as missionaries and he is still calling them.

So the women were encouraged to know that the Bible says about women today and in the past.

Keep us in prayer that the Lord will keep His hand upon the.  Church.

Next month we will have a. Large men's conference where men will gather and hear the word of the  Lord we will have speakers from Zimbabwe and Zambia and I will speak as well so we need your prayers.

Again thanks  so much for your love and prayers for us we do appreciate I ate you so much.


<![CDATA[Christian Revival in Malawi, Africa]]>Sun, 24 Sep 2017 22:42:35 GMThttp://stephenbanda.com/news-and-pictures/christian-revival-in-malawi-africaAm so glad to share these revival pictures we had a great time this past week end we had revival at one of the churches and you will see the children singing during this revival and you will see all the people that came and you will see we  me preaching  during this revival  and you will see people at the alter praying and calling on God for personal and national revival.
The Holy Ghost fell upon us as we were seeing th face of Gd in prayer at the  alter the zLord did great things in the hearts of the people and the revival that started  there will spread to many churches and places.
You will see me on the stage lifting up hands calling on God  together with the saints the zLord moved upon us all.
Thanks for your love and prayers we thank the Lord for what He is doing in the church these last days.
We will be traveling up north this week for another revival to the very end of the country please keep us in prayer.
Blessings on you  and let me hear from you again.

Pastor Stephen.
<![CDATA[Pastor Stephen at Lake Malawi]]>Sun, 24 Sep 2017 22:40:03 GMThttp://stephenbanda.com/news-and-pictures/pastor-stephen-at-lake-malawiThis is me at our Lake Malawi resting.
Pastor Steve
<![CDATA[Revival Service in Malawi, Africa]]>Sun, 24 Sep 2017 22:37:07 GMThttp://stephenbanda.com/news-and-pictures/revival-service-in-malawi-africaSunday revival rally where we sa 24 people who gave them hearts to Christ for he first time thanks so much for your love and prayers.

<![CDATA[Preaching in a Village in Malawi]]>Sun, 24 Sep 2017 22:34:00 GMThttp://stephenbanda.com/news-and-pictures/preaching-in-a-village-in-malawiHere are some pictures taken at the village many came to the church and some were not able to get inside.
The Lord is adding to the church.

